Short summary of

Please note this is not a site trying to sell anything and does not give any specific investment advice. It is for general information and education purposes only.

The two biggest and most important questions people have:
How can I be sure that I have enough money for the rest of my life and when can I retire?

The three easy steps that you need to take in order to get your situation under control:

STEP 1. SECURE your money

– Money from government

– Money from your employer

– Organize your private savings

STEP 2. SAVE – find an easy way to let your money grow

– Buy index funds on different markets

– Adjust the allocation the closer you come to retirement

STEP 3. SPEND in a way to ensure you don’t outlive your money

– You need to make an estimation about how many years your money will need to last

– Calculate how much money you will need on a monthly basis after you retire

– What to do if you continue to live much longer than expected

This is not investment advice, it is for general information and education purposes only.The information published on this site should not be relied upon as a substitute for personal financial or professional advice. Please contact a qualified advisor who is neutral, preferably paid by the hour and who understands your legal and tax situation. Also please be sure that you understand the situation fully before you make any investments.